Sharing feedback from a recent client conversation about how the experience should integrate with other processes
Engagement Manager
Working on a new feature that came up while testing wireframes with customers
Experience designer
Providing input about the most efficient way to build the experience, to get to market quickly with a high-quality product
Digital manager
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Reviewing the latest wireframes for a new sales process in Europe
Working with Digital Labs colleagues to ‘wireframe’ concepts and test ideas for a new ad campaign
Business analyst
Sharing next steps from a recent talk with client leaders, and brainstorming how their input shapes the current project
Leading the team’s day-to-day activities, running senior client reviews, and co-ordinating McKinsey’s digital consumer goods experts
Engagement manager
Team planning for a consumer packaged goods digital strategy project in Asia
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Sharing how this initiative relates
to other priorities for the client’s executive team
Marketing & Sales partner
Capturing ideas and grouping them into themes to be tested with users every few days
Experience designer
Brainstorming integration ideas with
existing systems to simplify the
experience, and avoid manual steps
Platform architect
Facilitating the workshops,
balancing points of view, and
keeping the focus on the end-user
Concept sprint facilitator
Sharing pain points in the current
process, and describing the ‘must-have’ steps in the new experience
Senior Marketing & Sales expert
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Brainstorming during a marketing and sales concept sprint in North America