A technology road map
Four straightforward practices can help to create an environment where organizational change is personal.
Reduce anonymity
Talk with employees about who their customers are, and encourage each employee to connect with one.
Build regular, face-to-face interactions with customers into existing processes, stimulating employees to learn who is most affected by their work.
Help people grasp the impact of their work
Invite customers who have had the best—and worst—experiences with your products to talk with employees in person so your team can see how their work affects customers.
Recognize and reward good work
Periodically make a note of one good thing done by each team member, thank them for it, and describe why it made things better.
Create a “like” system on your company intranet or other network where colleagues or even customers can communicate satisfaction with a task or interaction (the “like” need only be visible to the recipient).
Connect work to a higher meaning
Push people to think about their work in a high-level way by asking employees a series of “why” questions for 3–5 of their most important job-related tasks.